Our People Are Your People
Within our congregations you will find people who describe themselves as Christians, earth-spirit worshippers, Buddhists, Jews, humanists, agnostics and atheists. You will also find those who prefer to have no label and those who identify with the term “seeker”. While each individual takes responsibility for their own spiritual journey, we unite to celebrate the great mystery that transcends all traditions, all categories and all words.
Yet, Unitarians do not promote a religion which is purely focused on the transcendent. The presence of divinity in the world around us, and in each and every human person is central to our life as a community and inspires us to care for the earth and all its creatures more lovingly.
Honouring the mystery, respecting the sacredness of creation, upholding the inherent worth of every person and searching for depth and meaning in a free environment is what this congregation is all about. We don't take ourselves too seriously; humour is never far from the surface. If you wish to join your search to ours in a spirit of freedom, reason, tolerance and love, you will be made most welcome.