This is the home of the Unitarians in London and the South East formally known as the London District and Provincial Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches or the LDPA for short. We provide pastoral care and practical support for 25 Unitarian congregations in this district.
Festival of Unitarians
FUSE is a rich mix of talks, workshops, music and song, prayer and meditation, nature walks, and a children’s programme, all at this historic friary.
For details and booking click here
Find out more
Discover more about our Unitarian beliefs.
Find us on Facebook
Visit the LDPA Facebook Page here
Find a congregation
Our Congregations page can help you find a Unitarian congregation near you.
AGM at Croydon
Our AGM will be held at Croydon Unitarian Church on Saturday 29th March 1.15pm.
Chief Officer of the GA Liz Slade will share her thoughts on what our district and our movement needs to thrive and move toward sustainability.
The main business of the AGM will be to: Approve the Accounts and Annual Report, Elect the Auditors for 2024-25 accounts and Elect the President and company directors.
Email administrator@ldpaunitarians.org by 24th March to confirm who is attending the AGM from your congregation as a delegate or to attend online as an observer.
Winter edition
Click here for our latest newsletter.
News of events in the District:
• FUSE 2025 is launched!
• Climate, Religion and Ethics
• Lots of Training Workshops
• Ministerial Matters
and more…
Watch the video
A beginner’s guide to Unitarianism and Unitarian values can be watched here.